natural family photos mn

The S Family

summerstreetphotography_134 summerstreetphotography_135 summerstreetphotography_136 summerstreetphotography_137 summerstreetphotography_138 summerstreetphotography_139 summerstreetphotography_140 summerstreetphotography_141 summerstreetphotography_142 summerstreetphotography_143 summerstreetphotography_144 summerstreetphotography_145 summerstreetphotography_146 summerstreetphotography_147 summerstreetphotography_148 summerstreetphotography_149 summerstreetphotography_150It's hard to put into words how special this family is. I definitely get writers block because of all the wonderful things I could share with you about them. Since my time is brief, you should know this: The S Family are one of the most genuine, gracious and loving group people you will ever meet, and boy does it show in images! They have inspired so many to live more intentional lives and are actively changing the face of palliative care in the Midwest (and I'm convinced, soon to be our entire country). You can read and support more about this family on Dannell's beautiful blog here. It was my pleasure to photograph their family as they grow and blossom into the little people their boys are becoming, and the wisdom they are gaining in this parenting gig. Dannell and Peter, your love is infectious and your boys are incredibly blessed to have you. We're lucky to call you friends and clients.