Minnesota Baby Photography

Baby P - Half Birthday

Is there anything sweeter than a six month old baby? If this thought had never crossed your mind until today, I'm convinced you are now persuaded after seeing baby P in her half-year old glory. I MEAN COME ON! She is just *waiting* for her debut as a Baby Gap model, isn't she? It's so rewarding working with families throughout the first year of their child's life. We started this journey last summer with Ashely and Adam's Expecting Session, then we met darling baby P in August, and now we are 6 months later. You'll see this family again when their sweet pea turns one, and then we'll create an heirloom album with all four of these photo sessions in them. I can't wait to hold that album in my hands and hand it over to these proud parents. If one thing is certain, time is the enemy of change, and babies are the number one proof of this. Kids grow and change so quickly - the first year especially - so this is such a treasure to share. We'll see these three on the blog in a short few months!