Kate & Tom | Married at the Como Convservatory and Reception at The Saint Paul Hotel

Kate and Tom decided to have a very intimate ceremony with just 5 guests at the Como Conservatory. It was late August, and unusually chilly for the summer. The clouds rolled in and the skies threatened rain, but it made for one of those nights when summer feels alive. You could practically smell autumn starting to come around the corner. Their ceremony was at sunset, and as the sun went down, the Conservatory started to quiet down for the night. Kate and Tom entered toward their ceremony together - side by side - separated by the calm reflecting pool of the sunken garden. There were tears, laughter and some really amazing hugs. We opted for a few portraits after the ceremony and then met up again a month later in early October at the Saint Paul Hotel for their larger wedding reception. The best perk of having two events around your wedding is of course the excuse for two Wedding gowns, both of which Kate absolutely glowed in. Tom and Kate have a grounded, mature relationship with a steadfast kind of love. It was delightful watching them love and be loved by those around them to celebrate their new union. We couldn't be happier for the both of you, and know you have so many adventures to take on together. Congratulations Kate and Tom!